Know about the 4D Prize Group before playing the game
Posted on : 04-02-2021 | By : 4D မာစတာ | တွင် : စင်ကာပူ မလေးရှား 4D ဆောင်းပါးများ
Whether you play 4d games for fun or to manifest serious money, winning is all you aim for. The prize money will bring a smile to your face. Losing can be disturbing, but it won’t impact people knowing that winning is less. When you win against the odds, it is pure bliss. If you are playing the game for the first time, it is essential to know about the 4d prize group to place the right bet and expect a huge sum of money. Different kinds of prize money are available, and they are based on the bets you place. Here you will know about the prize money in detail.
4D Prize Structure in detail
You will win if the number that you place bet appears on the lucky draw results. Based on the winning category, bet amount, and type, your prize money will vary, and the below information gives you a precise understanding.
First off, let us discuss the ordinary system and 4d roll entry. The prize is categorized as small and big bets. On small bets, the first, second, and third prizes are more than the big bet. However, there are no consolation or starter prizes. When you place $1 on a big bet, you have the chance to win 1st, 2nd, 3rd, starter, and consolation prizes as well.
- If your number appears in the first prize category, you will acquire $2000 on big bet $3000 on small bets.
- If your number appears in the second prize category, you will acquire $1000 on big bet $2000 on small bets.
- If your number appears in the third prize category, you will acquire $490 on big bet $800 on small bets.
- The starter prize winners will receive $250, and consolation category numbers will get $60 only if you have placed on Big bet.
iBet Prize group
The iBet prize money diversely varies based on the digits you get, and for every digit difference, the prize money fluctuates. For instance, if you select four different digits, the first prize is $83, the second prize is $41, third prize is $20 and more. Likewise, the digits change in the ticket number will also yield you money. This way, the small bet prize amount is also calculated. There are starter and consolation prize groups in the big bet, but you can expect only three prizes in the small bet.
As mentioned earlier, all the prizes will cost you $1, and you can increase the chances of winning by playing consistently. Whether your numbers fall on the first, second, third, consolation, or starter category, you will win. Some people place on the small bet to win more money, whereas others go for huge bets as it increases the chances of winning. It is all about your choice, and you can place the bet on whichever category is comfortable for you. Huge prize money is waiting for you, and you start playing to win the lottery.