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如何玩多多 SG:增加中奖机会的彩票策略

发表于 : 02-05-2021 |经过 : 4D大师 |在 : 新加坡 马来西亚 4D 文章


您知道多多 SG 游戏——这是一种新加坡彩票,您可以通过玩它来赢取一些钱。

But have you ever wondered how your odds of winning compare with other people who are playing Toto? You might be surprised to find out that there is actually quite a high chance for you to win! In this article, we’re going to talk about how the Toto lottery works and what strategies will help increase your chances of winning.

什么是多多 SG 以及它是如何运作的

The Toto Singapore lottery is a game for which you can win money. The first step would be to pick at least six numbers between one and 49 with a minmum bet of SGD $1.

周一和周四是抽奖日期,下注时间为下午 6 点。 ToTo 结果将在新加坡时间晚上 7 点公布。

如何玩 ToTo SG 中奖号码

一共有7个号码。如果您中了 3 个号码,您至少会赢得一笔奖金。

什么是 ToTo SG 附加号码?

六 (6) 个号码和 1 个额外号码将从所有其他可能的号码中抽取,这些是您的中奖选择。 1 额外号码被称为附加号码。


One strategy is to play in groups, such as with friends or family members and each person picks different sets of numbers so that if someone wins in one group, it increases the possibility for others to win too! Another way is trying consecutively playing through as many times as possible without stopping until you manage to hit three out of seven required lottery digits on any given day.




第 1 组获胜 38%



第 4 组获胜 3%

第5组赢得$50,。第 6 组赢得 $25,第 7 组赢得 $10

In Summary, there are many ways to play Toto. The strategies for playing the lottery vary depending on a person’s budget, time and skill level.


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