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  5. Important! 4D Prediction service will stop on 5 May and resume 26th May

Important! 4D Prediction service will stop on 5 May and resume 26th May

Posted on : 04-05-2013 | By : Guru 4D | Di dalam : 4DInSingapore News


Anggota 4D yang terhormat,

Sorry for the last minute notice. I am currently on Oversea Reservist for 3 weeks and
had wanted to continue to provide 4D service to the Membership.
Unfortantely, I have problem connecting to the mobile network in the country
here and would be outfield for several day without internet access.

As such in view of the circumstance, i have decided to stop my 4D prediction service from 5 May onward and  resume service on 26th May when I am back in Singapore.

Saya mohon maaf atas pemberitahuan singkat ini dan ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan.

Those member who have paid for the month of May will be refunded for the month of May when I am back from Reservist. Please understand that I will not be able to respond to any email and any refund during this period of time while i am away for reservist.

Terima kasih atas pengertian dan kesabaran Anda dalam hal ini.

Guru 4D

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