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  4. 如何在轮盘赌中获胜


发表于:22-04-2021 |经过 : 4D大师 |在 : 新加坡 马来西亚 4D 文章


轮盘赌的历史始于法国数学家 Blaise Pascal,他将轮盘赌发明为一项数学实验。它于 1843 年首次在法国昂热的赌场推出,然后于 1880 年 12 月 22 日由黎塞留公爵查尔斯·奥古斯特·路易斯·约瑟夫·德·里戈 (1777-1842) 在蒙特卡洛赌场的轮盘赌大沙龙公开播放。


对许多人来说,轮盘赌是一种纯粹的机会游戏。对于其他人来说,这是一个有利可图的商机。但对于所有的人 在赌场玩和赌博 game, there are some definite tricks to winning. This article will provide you with how to win at roulette by providing tips that will help you beat the odds every time!

1. 找到最低赌注最低的轮盘赌桌

对于在线牌桌,最低最低赌注通常约为 $0.01 或更高,这意味着您每次旋转的赌注相对较少。这将有助于增加您的 获胜几率 更频繁地在每场比赛中保持房屋优势较低。


This is a simple strategy that will help you win more often than not. Keep in mind, however, that this roulette betting system only has about an 18% chance of success.

The game of roulette at casino is a hot favourite among gamblers. There are 37 or 38 pockets, depending on the version of roulette the gambler is playing with a single zero or double zeroes constituting to final pocket numbers that are red and black alternately coloured. Pockets numbered from one to 36 (with one-zero) have odds at 35:37 for players winning according to their bet in this game at casino 在线赌博 offers by many casinos worldwide.

尽管有批评者,但许多赌徒仍然希望他们的赔率会在轮盘上对他们有利。许多人尝试了 Martingale 投注策略的变体,其中失败的投注在下一轮中翻倍,以便在仍然获得原始投注的同时收回原始金额。这种策略可能会导致灾难性的财务损失。



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