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  4. 如何避免因赌博而导致的债务问题


发表于:2021 年 7 月 19 日 |经过 : 4D大师 |在 : 新加坡 马来西亚 4D 文章



There are several debt problems due to gambling. A common method of gambling debt is betting and losing so much that you don’t have enough money to pay your debt. Gambling debt can be tracked since several people play games and bet to get rich overnight. Most of the time, they lose, and they don’t pay back what they owe. Of course, when they win, they get excited and want to play again. This is a way of spending more and more money as they get more excited and hopefully win big this time.

如果将负责任的赌博限制在合理的数量内,则可以避免因赌博而导致的债务问题。很多赌博是为了获得乐趣。我们都喜欢 赢大钱 以任何可能的方式,即使是在线赌博。

自从 赌博如此上瘾,人们往往会损失很多他们需要的钱来购买他们的必需品。他们可能会获得中等收入水平,并且花费的钱越来越多,超出了他们所能承受的损失。但后来他们厌倦了,可能无法再赌博了。这个过程反复重复,直到他们不能再花钱并赌博他们赚到的钱为止。





Using software or online lottery terminals to play the lottery does not help. It will just add to your frustration and shame and will take more money away from you. The only solution to solve gambling addiction is to admit that you have a problem and do something about it.

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