
发表于:12-09-2021 |经过 : 4D大师 |在 : 新加坡 马来西亚 4D 文章



The game will start when the first number is announced. If this is on your tickets, cross it off. If you are playing 在线的 Bingo, the clever system will mark the numbers off for you. However, if you’re playing in a club for the first time – pay attention. The pace can take a bit of getting used to, but it’s all part of the fun and gets your adrenaline pumping.

当数字被挑选出来时,玩家用豆子覆盖数字,因此得名 Bingo。首先完成图案的人是获胜者。这是您需要了解的其他一些宾果游戏术语。


There are two ways to win. The first way is to be the first player to shout Beano and win. The other way is to be the first player to shout Bingo and win.


您可以通过互联网玩宾果游戏。 Bingo 是最方便的游戏方式,您可以在家中舒适地玩游戏,并且可以与许多愿意帮助您学习如何玩 Bingo 的玩家互动。

要大喊宾果并获胜,您需要点击“全球搜索”按钮。您将看到不同的选项,然后您选择一个来调用 Bingo。卡的价格是购买卡所需的面数。


The online bingo market has developed rapidly in the game’s condition, which is very popular among young people. Many young people can use the game to have money by playing online Bingo on their way to college.


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