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  5. Debat GE2020: Orang Singapura tidak bisa bosan dengan Jamus Lim (Partai Buruh)

Debat GE2020: Orang Singapura tidak bisa bosan dengan Jamus Lim (Partai Buruh)

Posted on : 03-07-2020 | By : Guru 4D | Di dalam : berita singapura


After a intense debate on 1st July 2020, it seem like workers’ party Jamus Lim has gain alot of popularity with Singaporean overnight. He was so popular that google searches “throw out” search term such as 

Jamus Lim Wife
Jamus Lim Resume
Jamus Lim debate

His name is Jamus Jerome Lim Chee Wui and many singaporean commented that they would like to see more of such people in parliament to serve.

His boyish good looks and ability to articulate clearly; an economics professor, Harvard grad & RI boy has turn on the charms on singaporean ladies. Forum has sprout out with topic title “Is WP Jamus Lim single?”

If you have not seem his performance, here’s a compilation of the video that we manage to grab hold of



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