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  5. 14 Secrets to Win Singapore Pools 4D or Malaysia Magnum Revealed! Part 2

14 Secrets to Win Singapore Pools 4D or Malaysia Magnum Revealed! Part 2

Diposting pada : 01-03-2016 | Oleh : Guru 4D | Di dalam : Artikel 4D Singapura Malaysia


14 Secrets to Win Singapore Pools 4D or Malaysia Magnum Revealed! Part 2

Secret #8
Be happy. Be positive in your outlook and thinking. Avoid anything negative at all. Negative words, actions and even thinking will strongly affect your chance of striking 4D. If that happens, any super duper system isnt going to work.

Secret #9
A negative attitude and thinking will only breeds more its same kind (as in positive attitude and thinking too). It is a vicious cycle that isn‟t going to do no one any good at all. Don‟t get caught in it. When you are unhappy, angry, worried or even sick, don‟t gamble.

Secret #10
We need patience and perseverance when the going is not that smooth, the financial ability to weather through the inevitable bad-luck stretch occasionally before we can see hits happening.

Secret #11
Law of probability dictates that selecting numbers from a higher frequency is better than those in the lower percentile.

Secret #12
A win is a win. Whether it is a big win or small win, it is important to keep the winning streak alive. Maintain the flow and it will be a matter of time when the Big Win comes.

Secret #13
In any game of chances, there will be periods of „dry spells‟. It is that unavoidable cycle that every 4d punter loath. The only thing you can do is to scale down your bet during this period of time. There is nothing you can do about it; got to bite the bullet when it comes.

Secret #14
Have certain guidelines in place for your 4d investment strategy. Scale down your bet when the going is tough but when the hits start coming back, then it is business as usual.

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