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  4. Easy to Follow Guide: How to Play 4D Lottery Singapore

Easy to Follow Guide: How to Play 4D Lottery Singapore

发表于 : 11-03-2018 |经过 : 4D大师 |在 : 新加坡 马来西亚 4D 文章


Learn how to become a lottery whiz. Read this simple guide on how to play 4D lottery Singapore. At first, it seems difficult but you will gradually get used to the process.

Singapore pools how to play 4D

  1. Choose and mark the kind of bet. Use a different slip for each wager. There is no need to mark for the Ordinary Entry or the 4d Roll game.

  2. 如果您要在连续六场比赛中下注,请标记您想要下注的特定抽奖日期,例如 6 次抽奖。它包括当前的抽奖。对于 4D Roll,您只能为当前游戏下注。检查数字以及小金额或大金额。

  3. 为普通条目选择四位数字。

  4. 为 4D 卷选择三位数字加上字母 R。成本是检查的金额乘以 10。

  5. 对于系统输入,您还需要标记四位数字,标记下注金额并乘以您选择的模式数量。

How to play 4d iBet Singapore?

In 4D iBet, the player also marks four digits with the bet indicated by the amount marked. One slip allows bettors to check a maximum of four boards which should belong to the same category. Singapore Pools introduced the iBet platform which permits placing bets on all patterns of 4-digit numerals. Aside from the iBet, Singapore Pools also launched the 4D roll wherein players only pick the first three digits.

Meanwhile, online 4D wagering also started on that same year. So far, the largest win in 4D history was SGD$14 million won by a 40-year old man during a 2005 (September) draw. The person’s bet (single draw) was estimated at around SG$4, 667 up to SG$7,000. The search for the blessed numbers does not cease. In fact, lotto enthusiasts in Singapore as well as Malaysia even record registration numbers of vehicles involved in road mishaps for their 4D numbers. Many of them visit locations that are known to give providential numerals. Among the other sources of numbers are police cars or apartment blocks Some Singaporeans became infatuated with the flowerhorn ornamental aquarium fish or cichilds and deciphered their markings and spots on the scales for propitious numbers.


Start winning in the Singapore 4D Pools lottery. Figure out secret formulas from lotto predictions and predict the future lucky numerals. At the same time, you need to become skilled at betting techniques to amplify your chances of taking home the money. You will easily notice people lining up in 4D outlets to bet for the next draw. Only individuals 18 years old and above are allowed by law to purchase tickets and claim winnings.


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