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  5. No false claim by Ng Ling Ling – “It was a Freudian slip”

No false claim by Ng Ling Ling – “It was a Freudian slip”

Posted on : 29-06-2020 | By : Bậc thầy 4D | Trong : tin tức singapore


Mr Gerard Ee, former president of National Council of Social Service, attributed Ms Ng Ling Ling’s words to a “Freudian slip”.
Many readers on the web scrambled to find out the meaning of this word “Freudian slip” after it was mentioned.
We got curious and found out the meaning as “an unintentional error regarded as revealing subconscious feelings”

What is a Freudian slip examples?
According to psychiatrist Sigmund Freud, the slip is interpreted as the emergence of the contents of the unconscious mind. For example, a woman might mean to tell her friend, “I am so in love with John.” But instead of saying John’s name, she might say the name of her ex-boyfriend instead.
source: https://www.goodtherapy.org/blog/psychpedia/freudian-slip

Here are 3 things you do not know about Ng Ling Ling

  1. Ng Ling Ling, 48, is a former public servant
  2. She was in banking for 6 years
  3. She was a managing director of community chest

She does have a impressive cv account on linkedin.
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